Thursday 28 June 2018


Test.isRunningTest() This is not used in test classes but in other classes in order to verify if the call is from a test class.

When we are setting up test data from Apex test method, we need a way to disable the triggers that will fire. It might cause "LimitException: "Too many SOQL queries: 101".  In this case, the triggers are not the target of the test case, hence this scenario will cause the test method to fail

Setup up the trigger by leveraging isRunningTest(). isRunningTest() - Returns true if the currently executing code was called by code contained in a test method, false otherwise. Use this method if you need to run different code depending on whether it was being called from a test.

//do something

Other Usage scenarios
1. To ensure the trigger doesn't execute the batch if Test.IsRunningTest() is true, and then test the batch class with it's own test method.
2. Testing callouts - in your callout code you check to see if you're executing within a unit test context by checking Test.isRunningTest() and instead of getting your callout response from an HttpResponse.send() request, you return a pre-built test string instead.

Maximum number of  Master details and Lookup Creation 

  • Master-Detail Relationship Fields, per Object (Standard or Custom) -- 2
  • Total Relationship Fields (Master-Detail + Lookup), per Object (Standard or Custom) -- 40

Maximum lookup relationships can be 38, 39 or 40 depending on how many master detail relationships have been created so far. 

Sunday 3 June 2018

Developer console: Total Requests Limit Exceeded  error

When I load the developer console, I get a "Total Requests Limit Exceeded" error.

Its because you've ran into your API Limit for the 24-period.
   Check this: setup àsystem overview


You API Usage will be on the top right. If you are at your maximum, I suggest calling Salesforce-Support immediately, and ask to get your API Limits increased temporarily. SF-Support is generally friendly and will usually grant the request. (If you have 5,000 API calls/day, ask for an increase to 10,000 temporarily).

Screen shot of System Overview Link: