Configuration File Tags
apiVersion:- A double value that binds the component to a Salesforce
API version. To check the current version, take help of this knowledge article.
description:-A short
description of the component, usually a single sentence. Appears in list views,
like the list of Lightning Components in Setup, and as a tooltip in the
Lightning App Builder and in Community Builder.
When you hover your mouse to the custom component deployed
to the org, you can see the description with the label.
isExposed:-A Boolean
value. Exposes the component in all orgs, and in Lightning App Builder and
Community Builder. To make a component usable in a managed package, set
isExposed to true. To make a component usable in Lightning App Builder and
Community Builder, set isExposed to true.
masterLabel:-The title
of the component. Appears in list views, like the list of Lightning Components
in Setup, and in the Lightning App Builder and in Community Builder.
targetConfig:- It is subtag of targetConfigs and used for different
page type configuration. For Example:-
<targetConfig targets=”lightning__RecordPage”>
<targetConfig targets=”lightning__AppPage,
targets attribute value that you specify must match one or more of the page
types that you listed under <targets> for the component. It Supports the
property and objects subtags.
a public property of a component that can be set in Lightning App Builder or
Community Builder. The component author defines the property in the component’s
JavaScript class using the @apidecorator.
set of one or more objects the component is supported for. This tag set works
only inside a parent targetConfig that’s configured for lightning__RecordPage.
Specify the objects tag set only once inside a targetConfig set. Supports the
object subtag.
object:-Defines which objects the component is
supported for. Use one object tag for each supported object. You can’t use ‘*’
to denote all objects.
<div class="slds-m-around_small">
Metadata File Example {message} <br/>
page no : {pageno}
import { LightningElement,api } from 'lwc';
export default class MetaExample extends LightningElement {
@api message;
@api pageno;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
<masterLabel>Metadata File Configuraton</masterLabel>
<target>lightning__Tab</target><!-- Winter 20 -->
<targetConfig targets="lightning__RecordPage" >
<property name="message" type="String" label="Welcome Message"/>
<property name="pageno" type="Integer" label="Page No" />